The primary responsibility for the safety of property and lives lies with you. Below are some recommendations which can help you protect your home and family:
Burning regulations
the bushfire danger period extends from October to March each year. During this time there are very strict regulations about the lighting of fires that should be obeyed. The lighting of any fire is prohibited during a total fire ban. You may cook on gas or electric barbecues with certain precautions. At all other times of the year certain types of burning are permitted providing you observe fire conditions.
How to protect your home
To prepare your property against bushfire and grass fires you should remember the following information:
During a total fire ban, campfires, recreational fires, solid fuel barbecues, ovens and kettles are prohibited. A gas or electric barbecue may be used during a Total Fire Ban provided:
At all other times a campfire or barbecue may be lit for cooking or warmth providing:
Agricultural burning relates to the removal of stubble or diseased crops and applies only where the property has agricultural land users. Hazard reduction burning can only be conducted where the property has a significant area of bush land on or near to it. Material to be burnt must be natural vegetation only. You must: