Civilizations first developed in East and South Asia in the
vicinity of great river systems. When irrigated by the massive
spring floods of the Yellow River, the rich soil of the North
China plain proved a superb basis for what has been the largest
and most enduring civilization in human history. Civilization
first developed in the Indus River valley in present-day
Pakistan in the middle of the 3d millennium B.C., more than a
thousand years earlier than it did in China. In fact, the
civilization of the Indus valley, usually called Harappan after
its chief city, rivals Sumer and Egypt as humanity's oldest. But
like Sumer and its successor civilizations in the Middle East,
Harappan civilization was unable to survive natural catastrophes
and nomadic invasions. In contrast to the civilization of the
Shang rulers in China around 1500 B.C., Harappa vanished from
history. Until the mid-19th century it was "lost" or forgotten,
even by the peoples who lived in the vicinity of its
sand-covered ruins. Important elements of Harappan society were
transmitted to later civilizations in the Indian subcontinent.
But unlike the Shang kingdom, Harappa did not survive to be the
core and geographical center from which a unified and continuous
civilization developed like that found in China. The difference
in the fate of these two great civilizations provides one of the
key questions in dealing with the history of civilized
societies: What factors permitted some civilizations to endure
for millennia while others rose and fell within a few centuries?
Between about 1500 and 1000 B.C., as the great cities of the
Indus region crumbled into ruins, nomadic Aryan invaders from
central Asia moved into the fertile Indus plains and pushed into
the Ganges River valleys to the east. It took these unruly,
warlike peoples many centuries to build a civilization that
rivaled that of the Harappans. The Aryans concentrated on
assaulting Harappan settlements and different Aryan tribal
groups. As peoples who depended primarily on great herds of
cattle to provide their subsistence, they had little use for the
great irrigation works and advanced agricultural technology of
the Indus valley peoples. Though they conserved some Harappan
beliefs and symbols, the Aryan invaders did little to restore or
replace the great cities and engineering systems of the peoples
they had supplanted.
Eventually, however, many of the Aryan groups began to settle
down, and increasingly they relied on farming to support their
communities. By about 700 B.C., their priests had begun to
orally record the sacred hymns and ritual incantations that had
long been central to Aryan culture. In the following centuries,
strong warrior leaders built tribunal units into larger
kingdoms. The emergence of priestly and warrior elites signaled
the beginning of a new pattern of civilization in South Asia. By
the 6th century B.C., the renewal of civilized life in India was
marked by the emergence of great world religions, such as
Hinduism and Buddhism, and a renewal of trade, urban life, and
splendid artistic and architectural achievements.
Great torrents of water from the world's highest mountain range,
the Himalayas, carved out the vast Indus River system that was
to nurture the first civilization in the Indian subcontinent. As
the rapidly running mountain streams reached the plains of the
Indus valley, they branched out into seven great rivers, of
which five remain today. These rivers in turn converge midway
down the valley to form the Indus River, which runs for hundreds
of miles to the southwest and empties into the Arabian Sea. The
streams that flow from high in the Himalayas are fed by monsoon
rains. Rain clouds are carried from The seas surrounding the
Indian subcontinent by monsoons seasonal winds across the
lowlands to the mountains where, cooled and trapped, they
release their life-giving waters. These "summer" or wet
monsoons, which blow toward central Asia from the sea, are also
a critical source of moisture for the Plains and valleys they
cross before they reach the mountain barriers. The streams from
the mountains also carry prodigious amounts of rich soil to
these plains, constantly enlarging them and giving them the
potential for extensive cultivation and dense human habitation.
The Indus is only one of many river systems in the Indian
subcontinent formed by melting snow and monsoon rains, but it
was the first to nurture a civilization.
The lower Indus plains were a very different place in the 3d
millennium B.C. than they are today. Most of the region is now
arid and desolate, crisscrossed by dried-up riverbeds and
virtually devoid of forests. In Harappan times, it was green and
heavily forested. Game animals and pasturage for domesticated
animals were plentiful. Long before the first settlements
associated with the Harappan complex appeared, the plains were
dotted with the settlements of sedentary agriculturists. By at
least 3000 B.C., these pre-Harappan peoples cultivated wheat and
barley, and had developed sophisticated agricultural implements
and cropping techniques. The pre-Harappan peoples knew how to
make bronze weapons, tools, and mirrors, and they had mastered
the art of pottery making. Recurring motifs, such as bulls and
long-horned cattle on elaborately decorated bowls and storage
urns, suggest links to early agricultural communities in the
Middle East, while fish designs indicate a preoccupation with
what was probably a major source of food. The long-horned bull
was a central image in the Harappan culture and remains
important in Indian iconography, the art of pictorial
representation. Pre-Harappan peoples in the Indus valley also
carved large numbers of small figurines of women. These
statuettes differ from those found in many other early cultures
in the detailed attention given to hairstyles and Jewelry. Early
village sites also contained tiny carts with clay wheels that
may be the earliest children's toys yet discovered.
In the late 1850s, the British were directing the building of
railway lines through the Indus valley. In need of bricks for
the railway bed, the engineers allowed the construction workers
to plunder those bricks found in the dirt mounds of
long-abandoned cities in the valley. A British general named
Cunningham, who would later be the head of the Indian
Archeological Survey, visited one of these sites in 1856. While
there, he was given a number of artifacts including several
soapstone seals imprinted with various Carvings, including the
figure of a bull and what were apparently letters in a script.
Cunningham was convinced that the artifacts were of ancient
origin and was intrigued by the strange script, which bore
little resemblance to that of any of the languages then in use
in various parts of India. As head of the Archeological survey,
Cunningham took steps to ensure the full-scale excavation of
what came to be recognized as one of the earliest and most
mysterious of all human civilizations.