Gilgit History
an elevation of 1,454 meters lies the Gilgit Valley. The quaint
little town of Gilgit has spectacular science beauty. The peak
tourist season is from May to October though the tourist season
is round the year. The maximum temperature in May is 33oC
and minimum 16oC and in September. Maximum 28oC
and minimum 11oC.
10 kms. from Gilgit town is a beautiful rock engraving of Buddha
of 7th century A.D. at the mouth of the Kargah Nullah. A victory
monument of Taj Mughal, built 700 years ago, is 30 kms. jeep
drive from Gilgit town.
The bridge over the fast flowing Gilgit river is the largest
suspension bridge in Asia(182 meters long and 2 meters wide)
permitting enough room for one jeep at a time to cross.
40 kms. from Gilgit - Trekking route links with Nathar valley.
Trout fishing in Sher Qilla Nullah and a small lake.
Headquarter of Ghizar District - ideal place for trekking, good
fishing sports and duck shooting in season. It is the gateway
to Iskoman valley. Government rest house and private hotels
are available. Archaeological sites in village and a near by
village Hatoon.
Three hours drive from Gilgit link road. Government rest-house,
private hotels and a Ski slope, lush green Alpine forest with
small lakes and glaciers, trout fishing in lake. Trekking routes
link with Iskoman, chalt and Punial valley.
The favorite sport in Gilgit is polo which local folks claim
originated here. Its more rugged, free-style version than the
sedate variety known in the plains. The polo tournament held
from 1st November to 7th November is a festive occasion and
draws a large number of visitors.
The streams and lakes of Gilgit are full of trout. These are
at Kargah Nullah (10 kms. from Gilgit), Singal (56 kms), Gakuch
(73 kms) and Phander (117 kms from Gilgit). Permits for fishing
are issued by the Assistant Director, Fisheries, Government
of Pakistan, Gilgit.
Trekking and hiking in the rugged mountains and verdant valleys
of Gilgit are allowed only in the "open zone" which
extends upto 16 kms. short of the control line with Indian held
Kashmir and upto 50 kms. short of the Afghan border.
Around Gilgit are towering mountain peaks, waiting to be scaled.
Permits for mountaineering are issued by the Ministry of Tourism,
Government of Pakistan, Islamabad.