Thar desert is located in the Tharparkar District and is continuation
of the Rajasthan arid zone. The District derives its name from
the desert it houses. Of a total area of 28,170 sq. kms. (11,404
sq. miles) most is arid except for the coastal belt on the south.
The desert area has a colorful heritage with its own distinct
folklore, culture, flora and fauna. Some of the major towns
bordering the desert are Naukot, Mithi, Nagar Parkar, Chachro
and Islamkot that are market centers, situated amidst mud-and-brick
houses, narrow lanes and bazaars, where good buys are items
such as tribal embroidery and silver jewellery. Accommodation
available in the town is not recommended but the rest-houses
there is a suitable alternative, though some lack basic facilities
such as running water. August and September are the best months
for a visit as precipitation is then highest and the area at
its greenest. Also recommended is the period from December to
February when day time temperatures are cool and the nights