of Swat, with its rushing torrents, lakes, fruit-laden orchards
and flower-bedecked slopes is an idyllic valley. It has a rich
historical past. It was described as "Udayana" (the
garden) in ancient Hindu epics where Alexander of Macedon fought
and won some of his major battles before crossing over to the
plain of Pakistan.
was once the cradle of Buddhism where at one time more than
1,400 monasteries flourished. It was the hub of the Gandhara
school sculpture which was an expression of Graeco-Roman style
mixed with the local Buddhist traditional sculpture.
valley of Swat sprawls over 10,360 sq.kms. The normal temperature
is maximum 21.11C and minimum 7.22C. Tourist season is all year
round. The main town of the valley is Saidu Sharif with a museum
which houses most archaeological finds excavated in the area.